Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Better late than never, eh?

Last night I attended yet another lchaim, and this time, I'm sorry to say, I did not encounter Shaya Lowenstein while I was walking home. Actually, I encountered my chavrusa from last year, but that's a different story for a different time. The reason I did not encounter Rabbi Lowenstein on my walk home was because it was in fact his lchaim. Yes, once again, the power that is TRS has worked its funky voodoo thing again. A few months after only the briefest of mentions, Shaya is engaged to Mushka Raigorodsky of LA, CA. Do I take full credit for this remarkable turn of events? I'm much too humble for that, but I will begin accepting advertisement from eligible singles.


Leo de Toot said...

Dear Mr. R.S.
I have no comment on your ability to ensure that the pockets of caterers, hall owners, dress-makers etc. are filled but would be interested in your opinion on the Lipa Haggadah. An enquiring mind wants to know, LdT.

Just like a guy said...

Everybody has to make a living, right?

Lipa Haggada: My theory is that he was having a conversation with a few friends, and they were saying, "Wow, Lipa, everything you touch turns to gold!" Lipa says, "Yes, I bet I could make people buy anything!" The friends say, "What's the most ridiculous thing you could possibly sell... wait, I got it, a Haggada! Could you sell one of those?"

Three months later...

bonne said...

Mazel tov, you're one ahead of me then.

e said...

Please! Everyone knows that Shaya got engaged because he moved to the basement below the Benjamins, and Mrs. Benjamin's zchus leaked through the floor to him. That basement has the most remarkable turnaround. People get engaged there before you can blink!

Just like a guy said...

Sara: Huh?

e: How do you know he moved there?

sarabonne said...

In terms of making shidduchim, you've made 2 (if you count your own) and I've made 1. If you don't count your own, then we're even.

e said...

sara: it would be quite a stretch to say that trs made this shidduch.

Although, unlike most people, he can get credit for making his own.

trs: because that's my former residence.

bonne said...

Well hot-diggidy then, I'm ahead of the game.

Yossi said...

e, it never leaked all over you?

Just like a guy said...

e: I did not know that Shaya had moved in there.

Sarabonne: Congrats.

Yossi: Evidently not.

Anonymous said...

Please correct: Where the post reads "Mr. Lowenstein" it should read "Rabbi Lowenstein" please correct this ASAP.
Thank you.

Just like a guy said...

Okie dokie smokie.