I read something very wise a couple of days ago, and it went something like this: According to the amount of suffering you have when your team loses, that's how much joy you have when they win. All right , so excuse the Oholei Torah English, but the sentiment remains true; if you're not emotionally invested all the way, through the tough times, then how can you possibly enjoy the light at the end of the Holland tunnel? I mean sure, it's only New Jersey, but hey, that's better than nothing. So yes, as I was saying, how much will I either celebrate McCain's win or loss? Do I deserve to be a real part of it? If he loses, then at least I'm kind of protected, but is that a good thing?All this of course applies to a much more important result than a presidential election. That reminds me of something that's bothered me the whole campaign; everyone gets up there and says that this Is the most important election we've ever had. And guess what? They said this four years ago. And they'll day it on four years too. In fact, they'll say it in two years. And probably in just one year too. Leading me to the obvious conclusion that in fact every election is on fact the most important ever. In this world, the only thing that matters is what
you've done for me lately. The past is dead and buried, and the future is our children's problem. For us, it's just us.
Back to what I was starting to say. Judaism is exactly the same way. The only thing that matters is what you've done for me now. You sinned a minute ago? Move on. You'll have a problem in ten minutes? Burn that bridge when you come to it. The most important thing in the entire universe now, the reason you were created, the reason the entire universe was created, is in order that you should do the right thing right now. And if you're not emotionally invested in this one, how do you expect to accomplish anything? If it doesn't bother you that the Jewish people are suffering, that the holy Shechinah is in exile, then how can you hope to truly partake in the ultimate salvation?
All right, all right, I'm sorry for that self-righteous, pompous, and pretentious little word of mine. Still, it did seem to come out pretty well, and hey, if anyone is inspired or anything, then I'm happy to take credit for it. And thus endeth the lesson for today; check back later for the official TRS reaction to whatever it us that will be happening pretty darned soon.
So, what's going to happen with the Rubashkin clan?
Oy. Oy. Oy. Seems to me that this is a kitrog from above. Anyway, it's a whole 'nother post. Btw, I apologize for the current formating of the posts-right now I'm blogging by email, and for some reason it makes them look funny.
Matches that little picture of you on the side of the page ...
Oib m'davent, Mc'Cain efshar Palin az der oibershter zol nisht Biden der president far A'Bheima.
awe shucks nemo. You're such a sweetiepie!
RE: Surprised you didn't post this:
Your Yiddish is unintelligible, and your racism is nauseating.
RE: the tochen of the post
The Talmudic rabbis said, "All who mourn the destruction of Jerusalem will merit to rejoice in her rebuilding, as Isaiah says, 'Rejoice with Jerusalem and exult in her all those who love her: rejoice with her a rejoicing, all who mourn over her' (66:10)."
Sounds about right.
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