Tuesday, November 27, 2007

And the band marches on

So yesterday was only funny, but not LOL funny? What's wrong with you? Or me? Today I finished up a Maamar, that can be found in this week's Dvar Malchus, that deals with the purpose of 19 Kislev. What is the purpose you ask? Basically, there's this treasure that's being expended in order to win this big war thing. OK, so you know the mashal, right? I'm still too sniffly to write seriously, so instead I'll complain about the lack of real tissues in today's society. Your average tissue is so flimsy that when I blow it disintegrates into my beard and clothing. Quite annoying. So instead I use industrial strength sandpaper that also has the effect of turning an innocent bit of skin into a seething morass of bloody flesh, the organs oozing out in a liquidy form, not unlike Al Gore's neck on steroids. If you got that analogy, can I borrow your weed? Thanks. Anyway, more nonsense later.


e said...

what's the joke about the weed?

also, the problem is not with society's tissues, but with your beard. Try using conditioner on it.

Just like a guy said...

Whoever got the previous joke must be smoking weed, and since I'd like to understand the joke too...
And tissues will crumble regardless of the condition of my beard.

Anonymous said...

y'know, that must really suck, to always have to use paper towels. Well now I have a new solution for you: cut off your damn beard.

Just like a guy said...

That's one solution, yes...

e said...

one that will land you in eternal hellfire. but i'll be there with you.

e said...

you might get an eleven-moth special, but i'll be there long term.

Just like a guy said...

And now of course it's time once again for the semi-annual
לא ידח ממנו ידח

e said...

no, i didn't get that one. You mean the semiannual mention of that phrase? Or the semiannual fulfillment thereof?

Just like a guy said...

It was in reference to your saying that you'll be in the BBQ for eternity.

And since when was it semiannually fulfilled?