As the Farbrengen with Rabbi Chaim Schapiro began he was talking in a relatively low voice, and I loudly said, "Hecher, Hecher!" He turned to me in the corner and said, "Next time have someone else say it, and I might actually do it." With that encouragement here is, unabridged and mostly the way he said it, our very own Morristown Smicha Farbrenegen. Remember, whenever it says "I" it's the Rabbi speaking. And if something doesn't make sense, it's undoubtedly my fault.
I had a conversation with a bochur regarding farbrengens, and I said that I wasn't a farbrenger or mashpia, I was a bullshover. I'm just older, the chief bullshover. Oh well, nichnas yayin, yatzah sod. Until the mashkeh kicks in I'm talking to myself, afterwords it's only to you. What, you want I should talk to myself then also? What are you, my shrink?
A farbrengen is Wednesday night for Morristown Smicha for obvious reasons. This is a hachana for Yud Shevat, because next week you'll all be in New York. So today is really bo bayom.
Since I'm a small little bochur I remember the Rebbe spoke about Hachanos for Yud Shevat on the 12th of Teves, '47. I see on everyone's application papers here, you were all born in '47. So you guys don't remember it.
Everyone's busy doing hachanos for Yud Shevat, an extra maamar or sicha, coming on time to seder, even learning nigleh.
What is Yud Shevat? Not that I know, but I suppose that it's whatever you make of it. That's what it is. If you make it important, then it's important. might be Bentzi Shemtov's Asiri Yihieh Kodesh, and even though it's holy by itself, it's only as real as you make it. You can scream and shout all you want that it's important, but unless you make it real...and unless by somebody else it's real too, it's nothing. There's a klal that something that's wet makes something else wet. What's the chiddush? Isn't this obvious? The chiddush is that you make the other guy wet enough to make a third guy wet. In Osios of Yoreh Deah, Nat Bar Nat Bar Nat.
If all Chassidim were B'achdus, if they all had their chassidishe inyanim the way they're supposed to be...but the fact is, everyone is on their own. Before, by the Rebbe's farbrengens, you were schlepped in, at least b'chitzoniyus. But now you have to make it real yourself. And however real you make Yud Shevat, that's how real 11 Shevat is going to be. Nothing happens by itself. The hachona is important, and to make it real it must be a peulah nimsheches. That's got to be real. Otherwise you failed.
A"KP, nu. So what do you make of Yud Shevat?
Some people say, "What's a true manhig Yisrael?" Obviously, he cares about every Jew, loves every Jew.
Rabbi Avraham Shapiro, the former chief rabbi of Israel, once said, "In every stage of life there's a different thing to learn. When you're a bochur you have to learn what a bochur has to learn. When you become a Rabbi, you have special sefarim for rabbis. When you become a Rosh Yeshiva, again there's a specific limud for Roshei Yeshiva. But what happens when you become a manhig Yisrael? Are there special sefarim for manhigei Yisrael? There are. The Lubavitcher Rebbe's sefarim. The Rebbe was the ultimate manhig."
This is al derech what Johnathan Sacks said, "The Rebbe didn't make chassidim, he made leaders."
What makes someone a real manhig? If they're able to relate to every single Jew. We saw this by the Rebbe. Everyone walked in and said that the Rebbe was like them. A zionist would walk out and say, "The Rebbe is the biggest zionist in the world!" A Satmar chassid would walk out and say, "The Rebbe is the biggest anti-tzioni out there!" An agudah guy would walk out and...ok, lav davka by agudah.
Every MK of Knesset, even Shimon Perez. The Rebbe related to him.
Is there another manhig out there right now? I've never heard of him.
So comes Yud Shevat, and every chassid out there is making hachanos, and he has the same cheshbon. Ephrayim Piekarski says, "The Rebbe's my Rebbe." It has to be a personal thing.
No chiddushim here.
A person's father turns 60, or he has a big wedding anniversary, he finds a present. He finds the perfect gift, because it's personal.
Yud Shevat is the same thing. It has to be personal. You have to make it personal. Has to be your Rebbe. Nowadays, not so b'galoi, or even b'galoi at all...but all that means is, there's no limitations, no boundaries.
The downside here is that all the people who felt the Rebbe was with them, that he relates to them, think the Rebbe is like them...they don't have to change. The Rebbe is their Rebbe.
You meet Israelis who say, "You think you know the Rebbe? I know the Rebbe!" I found my derech in the Rebbe. The biggest anti-religious in the Knesset, the Rebbe related to him. But still...
It's al derech a smart kid, his father loves him, but does he do what his father wants? Don;t be smart. Do what the Rebbe wants.
We as Chassidim, there's no me. Sure you can find in the Rebbe how he relates to you, but the Rebbe wants to know how you relate to him!
Everyone knows their father has a soft spot. Everyone knows how to manipulate their father. But do you do what your father wants?
The Rebbe did all sorts of things anonymously. When the Rebbe pushed for 71 new Mosdos for the new year Bobby Vogel came to the Rebbe and suggested that his new Machon Parnasa should be included in that number. The Rebbe said no. Why? Because maybe some satmar guy in London is looking for a job but if he sees the Machon Parnasa is Lubavitch he isn't coming.
The Rebbe told a non-Lubavitcher he'd make a lot of money, and he should give a lot of tzedaka. Not to Lubavitch.
If the Rebbe is my Rebbe, if the Rebbe loves me, if I have my maamar, my sicha, my reshimo, that's great. But it's all me. It's all ich.
Sure, the Rebbe is mine. But the goal is for the Rebbe to be able to say, "These are my chassidim!" Re'u Gedulim She'gedalti!
Could the Rebbe say that about all the other Chassidim with a shaychus? He was their manhig, sure, but were they his?
We forget about the nekudah. The nekudah is not the hachana. The nekudah is that we must be chassidim. To be the Rebbe's. It's no kuntz for it to be "My Rebbe". The Rebbe loves every Jew! You don't have to change! I'll even do the Rebbe a favor! I'll learn an extra maamar!
But can the Rebbe say, "This is my chassid"? Is this who the Rebbe wants? Hiskashrus means that we're miskasher with the Rebbe, not that we're schlepping the Rebbe with us.
How do we be the Rebbe's? Is there one answer? Each mashpia will tell you something different. The truth is that you all know...
There's so many inyanim. I'll pick one nekudah that's nogeah to us in our lives right now. The Rebbe wanted for his Chassidim what all the Rebbeim wanted for their Chassidim. The Rebbe wanted we should look like the Chassidim of 1840. Ok, you can have money. And you don't need torn clothes. And no yellow tzitzis either. And teeth. Back then they didn't have dentists. But now you can have good teeth.
There's a story of a Lubavitcher Rav who was hired by a non-Lubvaitcher Shul, and they wanted him to wear an up hat. He wrote in to the Rebbe asking if he should take the job, if he should wear the hat they wanted him to wear. The Rebbe wrote back, "Lubavitchers aren't chitzonim".
A Chassid has to be a pnimi. What is as pnimi? You have to be one to know what one is.
One thing I remember, it's not the true inyan, but I remember the Rebbe would always say, "Avraham Zaken Bah Bayamim". In general, the older a person gets the less intense he is. But Avraham, though he was old, he didn't get less intense. He was Bah with his Yamim.
When you do an aveira that should be chitzoniyus. Your job should be chitzoniyus. But real inyanim? These have to be b'pnimius.
By a bochur, everything is pnimius. You eat, drink, use your cellphone so that you don't waste your minutes, but otherwise? (All right, I understand, some people have rollover.)
There's no downtime. At least there shouldn't be. All right, a little by Pesach and Sukkos. But even in downtime you have to do everything with emes, with full chayus, with a full shturem.
In Chabad there's no direct Kav, nothing specific. Whatever the Rebbe wants, that's what you got to do. At the same time as you can go on Mivtzoyim, you can learn. Or be a counselor in camp. And if you have to throw a football around, fine. No bochur says "is pas nisht". I didn't do it because it wasn't worth my time, 10 cents an hour, but still...if I had to do it, I would do it. I'd even throw a football around.
I know a shliach, back in the day, who had to send his kid to a day school because there was no local cheder. The kid was a big Chassid. He knew that the Rebbe disapproved of learning secular studies, so he didn't learn 'em. Just sat in class and did nothing. His father wrote in to the Rebbe and asked if this was proper conduct, and the Rebbe wrote back, "Absolutely not. Is it the ideal situation? No. But once you're there, it's all hashgacha pratis, you have to learn properly. A chassid can't waste his time!" Once you're there, the Rebbe wants you to learn. Do it properly.
It's very difficult. In other places a bochur can basically do what he wants. You don't have to all learn the same gemarah. You find your own chaburah, b'makom shelibi chafeitz.
But in can't decide at 7:30 to start learning Rambam. It's seder chassidus. A bochur has to be a pnimi.
Shulchan Oruch is difficult. The Rebbe wanted bochurim to learn a year before they got married. Why? Does it matter? The Rebbe wanted it. Bah B'yamim.
And Seder Chassidus by night? Bah B'yamim.
This is one of the inyanim of "I am the Rebbe's". No Hiskafia, no ishapcha, simple. There's no "is pas nisht". There's no saying, "This is not for me." There's no saying, "I'm not holding by Tehillim." Who am I? I'm supposed to be batul umevutal. It's hard. But it's supposed to be.
There's no "why not". If you know that it matters.
Every seven years the Mossad has to get accredited to get money. So they bring in a Rosh Yeshiva to figure out what's happening.
One time the Bobover Rosh Yeshiva came to Morristown. He gave a shiur, the bochurim were prepped beforehand, they all came on time (probably because they were threatened with big knasim), he was impressed. He asked if the bochurim were always so perfect. We said, "Of course not, but when people come..."
He said, "In Bobov, the bochurim would never do anything because of the government." Why in Chabad do they?
Because they feel an achrayus, a responsibility. All right, it's only 99% of the bochurim. It's like an insurance company, they know there'll be x number of accidents, but who will be in them? That's Hashgacha klalis.
In Oholei Torah, thw Bobover Rosh Yeshiva came to look. He saw a full zal, all the bochurim there bluffing and trying to impress. Even the rabbis did it. Rabbi Yisroel Friedman gave a shiur then... And why did they do it? Achrayus.
You know what? Be a pnimi. Yeshiva is dependent on you. It's tough to wake up on time. Even tough to daven shacharis with a minyan. Mincha and Maariv, k'yadua, are not too hard. And it all has to be with a chayus. The Shach is hard. The Taz is hard.
A chassid doesn't look the future. Bocvhurim always ask, "Why learn gemara, what's the point?" You never have this question by chassidus. Maybe the kids are too embarrassed to ask it, or maybe they get it. They know they have to learn chassidus so that when they go on shlichus they can teach their mekuravim.
Guess what? You have to know how to learn gemara when you're on shlichus too. Because after you teach him two lines of Tanya and talk to him for an hour about his neshomah...he wants a daf Gemara.
In Moscow, they told me, a guy walks into Chabad, they talk about G-d. He walks into the snags, they teach him a daf gemara. Where does he feel more accomplished? The gemara.
Why do we need smicha? You're learning for a piece of paper? I can give you the whole argument, for and against. I can give you better arguments than you why you shouldn't be learning Yoreh Deah. And why should you be? If there's no paper at the end, how many people are going to actually going to learn?
But the point is, if you know that's what the Rebbe wants, then do it. Why do you have to sit in Yeshiva to learn? You're 22 years old! Go sit in shul and learn. In Lubavitch though, we sit in Yeshiva. That's what the Rebbe, not Shulchan Oruch, wants.
I remember a bochur came over to me, he had come late to yeshiva, he wanted to know if he could daven with the baalebaatim minyan and then start yoreh deah immediately afterwords. I told him fine. Later I found out that he got up at 5:30 every morning to learn chassidus, because how can a chassid daven without first learning chassidus? At first I laughed at his naivete, but then I realized that he's right. A chassid does have to learn chassidus before davening.
Ok, not everybody can do this without going to sleep every night at 8:30, but the point is, someone did it. The nekudah is that you have to be a pnimi.
We mentioned before that a chassid has to be a pnimi.
But what can I do? I'm not a pnimi.
As Rabbi Manis Friedman once said, "You can't tell someone, 'Be happy.' You can't tell someone, 'Have seichel.' What can you do?"
So I'm not a pnimi.
A Misnaged bochur came into the Rebbe Rashab and asked him a question on Rashi. The Rebbe answered him, and later said, "It was my mazel that I had just happened to learn that Rashi."
My brother when he was 12 or so once asked me if I was baki in Shas. I told him that I was. He asked me a question from some totally random mesechta, and miraculously I had just learned that mesechta. I blew his mind away when I told him the page. I have mazel. Later I told him that I wasn't actually a baki in shas.
There's the story of the Steipler Gaon who felt bad that someone thought he knew a certain Ritva but really he only knew it from a Ran.
There's a story from the Alter Rebbe, that people came to him and complained, "You're chassidim are making themselves into yirei shamayim, baalei nefesh, there marbim b'mitzvos and ma'archim b'tefila. Who do they think they are?" The Rebbe answered them, "Aino Mais Min Hazikna Ad She'yiheh Ne'echad Mahem. (Perek 8 of Peah, Mishnah 9)" You're not a pnimi right now? Fake it until you make it.
The worst thing you can tell someone in Lubavitch is that they're a chitzon. Used to be, the worst thing in the world was to be a baalebaatishe bochur, but nowadays...they think it's ok.
Back in the day, because called a chitzon was a terrible thing. The truth is, if there's no chitzoniyus, then there's no pnimius either. "I'm a Jew at heart" means nothing. So obviously...
The issue is when there's a kuch zich in chitzinoyus. It has to be derech m'mailah. You can't be a chassid if it's not apparent on your face that you're a chassid.
How do you Daven B'arichus? The Rebbe Davened at 10:00, the Farbrengen was at 1:30...
When Yossi Nemess, who became famous because of Hurricane Katrina, was a young bochur he was almost Berel Lazar. He used to go to Russia, and he related once when he came back that he went to a Moscow baalei Teshuvah's house and the guy served him an apple. He noticed that his host wasn't eating, and he asked him why. Turned out he was fasting, as is brought down in Tanya. Yossi quickly explained why this wasn't necessary, how the Rebbe explained that this wasn't our avoda nowadays. The chassid took an apple and ate it. It was bigger mesiras nefesh for him to eat than to eat. But he did it. Why? Because it wasn't his fast day. It was the Rebbe's. He was the Rebbe's. He did what the Rebbe wanted.
A person shouldn't daven b'arichus. That's chitzoniyus. Daven b'arichus. Get the difference? Just do it. Don't give up a day too early. Last place you look, you always find it there.
Chitzoniyus is important. If there's no chitzoniyus, then there's no pnimius. So do it, eventually you'll do it properly. Even though now you're a chitzon...
I'm the first call for shidduchim. People want to know if the bochur kept seder. I don't lie. But I do tell them that in Yeshiva he didn't, but when he was on shlichus or camp, when he had achrayus, he did it fine. By most people sleeping is not a chronic disease.
Avremel Shemtov was once farbrenging in 770 how the Rebbe is the rosh, we're the guf, and we build up the Rebbe. At that point Avraham Gerlitzky walked in and said, "The Rebbe depends on us?" They argued for hours. I'm not a big chikur. Who cares? Stupid philosophy. Means nothing. According to either, you have more or less Rebbe? Whatever.
You don't have to do anything. But...we found the truth, we're stuck with it. We got to do it. If we do it enough times it becomes natural. I saw in a sefer that you have to make sure to put your legs properly into your pants 22 times in order to accustom yourself to it. They asked the Rebbe, how does he survive on so little sleep, he said, every few weeks, decrease by 1/2 hour. I don't know what this story was, if this guy wanted to sleep very little too.
There's a famous polack joke, he jumps out of plane, at 5,000 feet they tell him to pull his parachute, he refuses, at 1,000; 500; at 20 feet they tried one more time, but when he found out he was only 20 feet from the ground, he said, "It's ok, from here I can jump!"
There's a story with Rabbi Chadakov, he asked a yungerman where he was by seder, the yungerman said there had been a farbrengen the night before...Rabbi Chadakov told him, "Next time make a kiddush Hashem and pick yourself up and leave in the middle, tell them there's seder in the morning. You have to have mesiras nefesh to do the right thing.
The Jews stood with mesiras nefesh a whole year by Purim. For four days they had it by Pesach. Sure, it was mesiras nefesh, but they had bitachon in Hashem, that he would save them. They had a tnuah of doing what's right, they weren't nispael. And who does this nowadays? Lubavitch.
Hain l'tov, hain l'mutav.
We excel in not being nispael. We don't care what anyone says. We have the truth. You explain differently to us 25 times, makes no difference. But when it comes to pnimius...
When the Rebbe came out with mivtzah Torah, the joke was that now everybody was going to run around and tell everyone else to learn.
We have to not be nispael by waking up on time for chassidus in the morning. We don't have the shtarkeit like by chitzoniyus. You have taanos on Lubavitch? We'll fight you hard. But when it comes to ourselves?
A chassid can't be nispael, outside or inside. Do what you have to do: mivtzoyim, chitas, rambam, do what your loved one wants you to do.
I heard a story from my shver, Schmerling from Switzerland. He went to yechidus, and the Rebbe told him to talk to Chadakov who would give him specific instructions. He went to Chadakov, who showed him a duch from agudah, from the thirties, and they had decided at their annual meeting to open an office in Germany for kiruv purposes. They never did it. Now they wanted to open a kiruv office in Italy to deal with all the Russians who went there before getting to America or Israel. By the next asifas harabbonim they called Schmerling and asked him for advice, as a Lubavitcher, how would he do it? So he said to them, listen, many years ago you decided to go to Germany. So go there! Don't go anywhere else in Europe!
Of course they didn't listen.
(Chadakov was called "my finance minister" by the Rebbe. When Merkos called you, they made you call back, save the Rebbe money. Once Chadakov started up to the Rebbe's room, the Rebbe shut off his lights because he wasn't doing anything in the room, then when Chadakov left the Rebbe turned them on again.)
Chadakov called Schmerling in again, told him there'd be another asifa, and told him to deal with the situation. Schmerling went there and told them they'd never be successful in Europe. Why is Lubavitch successful? Because they don't care if they have money or not when they start a program. If they have, great, and if not, fine. They'll find a way. But the agudah doesn't work like that. They'll never be matzliach.
Of course they didn't listen, and they opened up an office in Italy. Schmerling sent a message to the yungerman there and told him there was a kepeidah from the Rebbe on him. The office failed. The guy lost all his money. He went to his Rav, who was also the Rav of Schmerling's town in Switzerland, and told him about the kepeidah from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The Rav asked him to try and help.
Schmerling went to Yechidus and told the Rebbe that, he had somehow possibly maybe implied that the Rebbe had put a kepeidah on this guy.. The Rebbe smiled, said he was maskim that the office shouldn't open, but he didn't want a Jew to not have parnasa, so he gave the yungerman a big bracha, and good thinhs happened from then on.
Later when they made the Schapiro-Schmerling in Switzerland Rabbi Schapiro's father was worried that the Rav wouldn't allow Lubavitch minhagim by the chuppah. Schmerling said, "Not to worry, he thinks I've got an in with the Rebbe, the wedding will go exactly as you want it."
The Freidiker Rebbe said that a Rebbe never puts a kepeidah on a chassid. Sometimes a chassid thinks a Rebbe put a kepeidah on him, and then, if that's the case, once the chassid is mad at the Rebbe, then bad things can happen.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Asiri Yehieh Kadosh: The Schapiro Farbrengen
Posted by
Just like a guy
10:10 PM
Labels: Chassidus, Farbrengen, Rabbi Chaim Schapiro
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Read half-way through, but I have a lab meeting in 20 minutes.
Good stuff. This is why, when they ask me if I am chossid, I say "no". Unless the one asking is a misnaged.
What's more important, G-d or a lab meeting?
It's never too late to become chassidic.
Who said I am not chassidic? I am chassidic. Ober nisht a chossid.
Lab meeting is dira b’tachtoinim, Etzem. Your post is gilui. Also, your post is not running away.
Is this -------- a sign for a niggun?
Good point. Still, we can find you help.
All's I can say is, I better get your maaser for my Chabad House...
Just got to the chitzoinius part. That’s why I said “unless I am talking to a misnaged”. Which covers almost everyone.
Shmul Kamanetzki gave me a letter for Yossi Nemes. Instead, I brought it to Rivkins (I didn’t realize back then that Shmul Kamenetzki is related to 90% of CH). That’s why I am where I am.
(The last sentence was ambiguous. Not in the non-chossid sense. In the non-atheist sense.)
Ahh. Ahh. I'm glad you made the right choice to continue reading.
Ahh. Ahh. Is that getting a little annoying?
Yes it is.
THe post was good, but it reminds me why I'm not a chossid, or chassidic even though I learn tanya and help out at a chabad house. Unless of course it's a lubo-basher asking in which case I say yechi.
PS, aguda was matzliach. They pushed hundreds of bochurim away from yiddishkeit.
I didn’t get the light thing.
I thought a lot about chitzoinius in the past. On the one hand, not important; on the other hand, of course important; on the third hand, what’s the difference between us and them then?..
My rabbi says: In our times, you have somebody who’ll read Tanya about not eating food for enjoyment and then sit and think whether he is enjoying this food, or which food to eat, etc. Now you’re thinking too much about food. Just shut up and eat already.
Light: Save electricity.
People, if you recognize the truth, why don't you follow it?
Or I'm just too lazy to leave a proper response (shacharis calling)
People, if you recognize the truth, why don't you follow it?
Who said about not following?
It’s within power of a rasha to become a beinoni. And he is trying to get there. But he is still a rasha. There is a difference between deficiency and complacency.
Also, Eibeshter makes demands. But I am repeating myself. The name of my blog says it all.
Crawling Axe? No one has any clue what that means.
That’s not the name of my blog. That’s my name (and by the way, people who know me know exactly what this means). The name of my blog is written at the top of my blog. It’s all in Bosi LeGani, man.
Speaking of Gill Leads and Ohm’s Law, he was the second person (after R’ Mendy Shapiro) to learn the Rebbe’s ma’amor with me. It was the B"L where the Rebbe asks about how come if yechida is naturally attracted to kedusha, it can give a person bechira to choose to do an aveira.
That was the beginning of realization about Nosi HaDor.
Shacharis calling at 9:50. I know Lubavitchers and many chasidim halt nisht fun zman tfilla, and I've heard several reasons why but none of them made much sense. As an esteemed 1/4 rabbi, could you tell me how you justify saying krias shma after the zman tfilla has passed?
Note: I am not trying to start a fight.
Who said he didn’t say kriyas Shma?
CA: When I said no one, I meant myself.
What does V=IR mean?
Which Mendy Shapiro?
Modeh: I went to sleep at 6:05. I woke up as 8:00. Don't worry, I said Shema way before the zman. Also, I Davened with a minyan at 11:10. The joys of 770.
The Lubav apologists will not be happy with me for hanging out the dirty laundry in public, but who cares?
Zman tefillah is l'chatichillah a joke. The real question is why lubavs are so frivolous about praying after chatzos.
I knew e would come out of the woodwork eventually.
re: sefarim for a manhig yisroel
I heard that he said it about Igros Kodesh in particular, not all of the Rebbe's sefarim, which really makes more sense. I don't see how Likkutei Sichos would be more manhig-related than say Likkutei Maharan. But Igros Kodesh shows one how a leader leads.
Last comment before I move on to bigger and better things:
Didn't the rabbi farbreng on the condition that you don't blog it? Did I miss something?
He is being moiser nefesh.
TRS — the more resistance, the more potential, given the same amount of current. Ohm’s Law, the basic law of electricity. Every single concept of Chassidus, from tzimtzum to why evil exists can be explained using it.
Mendy Shapiro from California.
Well, every avoidadik concept.
CA/MBM- yaya, you can deny it all you want, but b'emes we know your chassidim.
TRS- "The Freidiker Rebbe said that a Rebbe never puts a kepeidah on a chassid..."
I think RS was hinting that you should publicize his teaching to the masses even when he says he will put kepeidah on you.
e: Makes sense. Maybe I was eating some white fish salad at that moment.
Also, he never told me not to blog, he just said that he'd "deal with me later, personally." I'm not yet sure what that means.
CA: You live in CA? I love Rabbi Schapiro!
Dovid:I'm not scared of a kepeidah, I'm scared of getting kicked out.
He is my rabbi’s brother-in-law. 7th night of Peisach.
Oh, of course, he married a Rivkin. I knew that.
You learned Basi Legani on the 7th night of Pesach? That is chassidish.
No, I learned Bosi LeGani with Gil Leeds. I learned something else with Rabbi Shapiro. We also discussed how a Jew is different from an orange.
TRS there is a nice article on Ohm's law on Wiki.
Anyways, what does "hecher hecher" mean?
Gil Leeds is from Pitt originally?
Yeah, Jews are different from oranges.
LE7: it means, "louder, louder".
The formula on the Wikipedia follows the circuit with constant voltage.
A neuron is different.
Oh duh you're talking neurons. Forgot.
Thank G-d I have no idea what you people are talking about.
Truth is the natural sciences (hard science that is) totally improves ones awe of Hashem. Not like the liberal sciences which totally destroy it.
Correct. Once again I refer all those interested persons to the maamar Mitzvas Haamanas Elokus in Derech Mitzvosecha.
Wait, I said something correct?
I am interested but lack the faculties to tackle it myself. Can you give a taste of what I'm missing out on?
When did you ever say anything that was not correct?
Basically, he goes into a whole long thing about what the mitzva of believing in Hashem is. He says that looking at nature doesn't count, because you're fulfilling the mitzva then of knowing Hashem. Belief is higher. And then it gets super-complicated.
TRS: According to the chofetz chaim anyone who stays up late and davens late the next day is being influenced by the yetzer hara.
Of course you might not agree with him because he said that chassidim don't exist anymore and neither do misnagdim.
and then it gets super-complicated
Wait. When wasn't it super complicated?
CA/MBM- yaya, you can deny it all you want, but b'emes we know your chassidim.
Me. Chassid. Riiiight. At least I don't have to worry about you being someone who knows me in meat space.
Now I know why this took you three hours.
you typed all this with an iphone? Good farbengan, now I can do my laundry.
I think he was in California originally, then went to yeshiva in Australia. Then Tiferes.
By the way, are you familiar with Nosson Zand?
Modeh: I never claimed I wasn't being influenced by the YH.
When wasn't it super complicated? Bereishes Barah...
Meat space?
Sara: dedication.
CA: No, I know him not.
For those that don't know, Mitzvas Haamanus Elokus is available translated (with the Hebrew) from Kehos, as made by Sichos in English. I don't know if it is the entire maamar, but the book is pretty thick.
Good Shabbos to all.
Influenced by YH -- i.e. to do that particular thing. THough he was speaking to a snag. Maybe if the question was asked about farbrengens he would not have held yotza schora b'hefseida though I highly doubt it.
Meat space -- as opposed to cyberspace.
This whole thing is sad. Why are people wasting there time on TRS, when he is just some bored bochur in Morristown. It is sick how he worships R. Shapiro, whether it be on the net or in person. Any normal person should get this blog off the internet. It is disgusting that a bochur who is supposed to learn smicha has so much time to write about such stupid things. Morristown Smicha Program is a reputable place and he makes a joke out of it. TRS, you should be ashamed of yourself!
Why are nay-sayers always anonymous?
Ariel: Yeah, it's the whole thing.
Modeh: Quite.
Anon: Learn how to spell and then we can talk.
LE7: Me thinks he's not so anon.
Oh come on spill and tell us who it is.
Anon: what are you getting nervous over? For these girls it's like a real farbrengen. Would you deprive them of their sole source of spirituality?
Yeah thank you e.! We're poor undereducated girls who are starved for a wee bit of spirituality!
And The Fake Shliach is able to provide it?
Btw there was only one spelling mistake in my earlier comment. i did there instead of their. now that i've learned how to spell, can we talk?
Anon: just because you daven shacharis in the back of 770 doesn't entitle you to be mechalel shabbos.
I had no clue that the Rebbe was against secular studies. Lubavitchers do not have college degrees because of that?
How far do you want to go? To Alter Rebbe or Gemara?
Sara: what was wrong with that comment?
Brooklyn: the Rebbe was against secular education for several reasons. That is the reason that the vast majority of Lubavitchers to not go to college, at least until after they're married.
CA: once again you mystify. Explain yourself child.
I was asking Ms. Eye-damaging background. How far does she want to go as to reasons not to study chochmas chitzoinius.
I realized it might be silly to rebuke the rebuker- a little hypocritical don't you think?
CA: Ahh.
Sara: Not at all.
Well next time I catch someone scolding, I'll throw a hissy fit.
That's terrible. How could you do that?
Ok, now I'm lost. Pray tell mr. 1/4th Rabbi, in your great esoteric wisdom, what should I do?
I thought you'd throw a hissy fit!
what now? For what reason? The person obviously lost interest in their pursuit, I would be talking to a wall...or typing to an empty...screen?
Maybe he is from Samoa.
Sara: I was scolding you, you were supposed to scold me back.
CA: Samoa? You mystify again.
Time zones. Ma’ariv.
TRS-do you never cease to nitpick? Fine, here's a hissy fit:
The very nerve! rebuking me? you don't know me? you know nothing about me? you don't know my history, what I've been through or what I've lost!(sob insert here)I'm just tryin to be a chossid by not yelling and I get in trouble? what is this shtuyot(how does one spell that?) AND YOU! You cow face! Going on and on about bringing Jews closer to their father in heaven and nooooo, you just spend your time SCOLDIN people.
There, I think I did a pretty nice job. Please keep in mind I would be banging my fists and stamping me feet throughout the entirety of it.I would probably be going on for longer but everything would be along those set lines...
Very nice. Impressed I am.
thanks, I daresay I try
When Frierdiker Rebbe was in Warsaw, one rich guy built a sukkah for him and other chassidim. One night they were sitting and farbrenging. The guy walked in, looked at them and sighed.
FR said, “You should have sighed before you sinned.”
CA: I did not get that. Who sinned? Was the Frierdiker Rebbe just dissing his host סתם ככה?
CA: A libertarian frum Jew in Berkeley california? Hows that going?
What? California? Chv"sh.
What's wrong with California?
Think about it. Me and California.
I don't know you, so it's difficult.
You know that I am from Russia and Chassidish. You know that California is full of warm climate, smiling people, chitzoinius and Hesh’s friend’s friends. That’s enough already.
Ever heard of ishapcha?
Oil penetrates everything but doesn’t mix with water. I am doing my part where I fit.
True something like 'dat.
CA: Oh, sorry I thought you were talking about Gil Leeds from LA that lives in Berkeley. Must be two Gil Leedses.
I think it’s him, but I don’t live in Berkley. I know him from somewhere else.
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