Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just before the battle mother...

The night before the test. Or maybe not. See, I'm in the fourth group out of seven, which means I could either be tested Sunday night or Monday morning. Actually, I'm in the sixth group out of nine, because there are two Shabbos tests for last year's Smicha dudes which happen before our test, so I'm pretty sure I'll be on Monday, Still, the powers that be want me rested for tomorrow's potentially big day so tonight will be a short post. Or, as Shmuelie Gourarie said, the day after you get no sleep is not the problem, it's the day after that is the killer. Though I never really tested this theory out scientifically, real life experience does seem to corroborate it. Though maybe that's just because I was thinking about it, so my mind convinced itself that it was true. Honestly, I really don't know.

Meanwhile, in other news, last night I met WebJem ( in upstairs 770 and we chatted for well over an hour while I was introduced to a bunch of his brothers, who either greeted me with, "Oh, you're the nut who blogged for rovingrabbis?" or else, "Oh, you're the nut who blogs at TRS?" Obviously I'm quite the popular guy with the clan. Don't get me wrong, I had a really nice conversation. I even got a semi-offer to blog/write for I'm not sure if I could hack it though. Content editors and I don't necessarily get along (unless I manage to make deals with 'em like I did with e) but people have done worse for salaries. Besides, what a great job. Getting paid to do what you love. Incredible. So yeah, WebJem, I look forward to collaborating with you on future propagan...I mean worthwhile projects in aid of JEM, everyone's favorite professional and money losing video making venture. And remember, when you're a colleague and not an employee, they can pay you half price. But the sacrifice to put out a top-notch product is totally worth it.

Tonight's last topic brings us to this week's Haveil Havalim, maintained by Jack and beloved by all, which featured a ton of posts about Gaza and several about other shtuff, including my Morristown security guide/propaganda piece. Go check it out at My point is, will my biographers comment on my self-absorbtion and refusal to deal with the world? Will they even reveal their own deep-seated self esteem issues and anxiety by questioning my obvious egoism in assuming the existence of biographers? But the point is, is there something wrong with me? Should I have blogged about Gaza as everyone else seems to have done everyday for the last three weeks? And should I now comment on Israel's fake ceasefire? I'm sorry folks, but maintaining your positions in another sovereign state's territory is hardly called a cessation of fighting. Not that I particularly mind. If I wasn't so convinced that it wouldn't do a shred of good anyway, I'd be all for carpet bombing the place back to the stone age from which it was whelped. Not that they've progressed much farther as it is.


Anonymous said...

Remember that talk about the tough decisions needed to balance blog/personal life? (If there was no such talk, there should have been.)

Seems you made yours. An unhealthy choice, I daresay. Who's to say. Maybe you sleep sounder for it.

Just like a guy said...

This coming week's edition perhaps?

Seems like I made what what?

Yitzchak said...

On the ceasefire, they made a unilateral ceasefire. In plain, undiplomatic English that means "we promise not to shoot at you even though we do not expect a similar promise from you in return." All the Israeli troops can do is sit and respond to attacks.

Yitzchak said...

For constant updates try this guy He's a zaka medic or something.

Anonymous said...

The choice to violate the sanctity of a real live conversation and spill it online! No complaints though.

Anonymous said...

Plus, a working link would be super. TRSers will get preferred treatment on JEMnation.

le7 said...

When will I be getting my payment for setting up this budding friendship? (It's so cute. Aww. Oish).

It seems like I missed many a blogging convention this week. Maybe I should move to CH after all.

Anarchist Chossid said...


Anarchist Chossid said...

(regarding fake)

It’s all in this year’s Bosi LeGani. Personal growth vs. the Goal.

Not that blogging about Gaza would contribute to the Goal.

Well, unless you made it contribute.

Just like a guy said...

webjem: you should know by now that by me very little is sacred.
And what sort of preferred treatment?
LE7: the satisfaction of a job well done.

e said...

what kind of deal did we have? You wrote crap, and I made sure it was fit for public consumption, or rather consumption of the three to four readers we had.

I could say that my work with helped bring about rovingrabbis II (which was rather good) and this blog (which is rather whatever). But I won't say that. Why not? Ask my psychoanalyst.

Just like a guy said...

My writing was and is genius. You're just jealous that you're not a creative type, just a policing type.

Cheerio said...

ahh.. a new blog to read. more time to waste. gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling.