Wednesday, December 26, 2007

What about?

Presumably everyone's had enough of my self-righteous shtuff from the last few days, so tonight I'll try to be irreverent.
Everyone knows how wonderful the Yeshiva High School of the Twin Cities is. After all, everyone has been reading my blog, right? Well tonight I'm going to expose you to the darker side, the evil side, the spleen, as it were, of Yeshiva. Today there was no lunch. More accurately, lunch was not Kosher. You see, our wonderful chef put together rice, tuna, and cheese, baked it up, and served it up. I took a nibble, and thought the concoction revolting. Later I found out that some milk was also involved. Seems that my taste-buds didn't desert me, because it was Treif.
This resulted in many people, myself including, starving. Quite sad, huh?
Has this been irreverent so far? Not really. Sorry.
Meanwhile, I just read a cute article on which was taken from the NY Times about a Lubavitch couple's search for an apartment. The reason I'm telling you this is because it gives me something to write about. Basically, in the article it mentions that they have a TV, so all the very Frum Lubavitchers commented that this was absolutely horrible, and that these people are keeping Moshiach from coming. Some people then pointed out that perhaps it's not quite the nicest thing in the world to criticize people who you not only have never met, but who probably never want to meet you, you cruel, horrible, vicious, Crown Heightser. You get my point? Don't judge people so quickly. It's not so nice.
There, I've finished my little ramble. Yasher Koach. More substance tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

very good summary of the basic exchange between commentors on i almost never read the comments there, because no matter what the article is, i feel like im reading the same comments over and over!
also- since when is fish/cheese treife?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. With nothing to write about, I would make something up, but not something that borders on Moztai Shem Rah. A friend of mine has a son in your yeshiva, and he told me that a Rav was consulted and they were told to eat the dish, being that the problem was a lechatilah but once it's been done, it's OK.
Your post implies that anyone who took part in that food ate treifa.
Please correct that.

Anonymous said...

What are you tlking about? Cheese and fish and even cheese and milk are not treif! Ignoramous rabbi!

Just like a guy said...

It says in Shulchan Oruch that milk and fish is a Sakanah. As Lubavitchers, we don't eat it. For more on that, ask Rabbi Shusterman in CA, Rabbi Chaikin in OH, and Rabbi Wilhelm in MN. I didn't eat it. I was hungry.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous #2, you were probably mistaken when you said even cheese and milk can be eaten together. The problem is milk - only milk, not milk products. RealShliach, if a Rav says you can eat, then you should eat. What else are Rav's for?

Anonymous said...

RealShliach, you sound very presumptuous when you write 'presumably.'

Mottel said...

Apparently, 321% of people polled do not prefer Roast beef.

Just like a guy said...

The difference between my blog and everyone else's is that I know I'm a pretentious snob who's full of it.

Just like a guy said...

You trust every rabbi?

Anonymous said...

just because the rav says you CAN doesnt mean you HAVE TO.

Altie said...

wheres the link to on that article? i laughed.

Just like a guy said...