Friday, January 4, 2008

Sukkos in January?

One of the great things about Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, Rosh Yeshiva of the Lubavitch Yeshiva of Minnesota-Wexler Learning Institute, and innovative shaker of Jewish society, is that his Shiurim manage to hit a wide range of topics. For example, yesterday he gave a Shiur on Kiddushin, which also touched on Sukkos, among other things. Why does Lubavitch not sleep in a Sukkah. Everyone knows the famous answer. R. Wilhelm yesterday the Shluchim of YHSTC a different one that might be slightly more palatable to the masses. Women don't have to sleep in a Sukkh. They don't have to eat in a Sukkah. There is a concept of Simchas Yom Tov, the joy of the holiday, which includes normal family life. Vedai Lemaven. So men, in order not to interrupt this sacred ritual, sleep indoors. Ah, so why not have women sleep outdoors? There's two different ways a person can be free of obligation: A woman does not have to shake Lulav and Esrog, but she can if she wants to. A woman does not have to wear Tefillin, and guess what? She can't. In the case of a Sukkah, the power a woman has to not sleep in a Sukkah overrides a man's obligation to sleep there. Pretty good, huh?
Since I yesterday entered the politics game, I'm sure you'll be expecting some sort of comment from me regarding the Iowa caucus. Well, sorry. If you want political commentary, there are much more intelligent places to find it than here, a blog dedicated to the dissemination of Torah values, and the occasional joke.
Speaking of jokes, I heard a cute one last night. Unfortunately, I can't remember what it was, so you'll have to deal instead with some reminiscing. Many years ago, when I was a small boy, I used to live in this place called Mequon, Wisconsin. It's a nice place, even if the water is a bit hard. The Kiddushes at the Shul, Congregation Agudas Achim Chabad, were, in my memory at least, spectacular. There were always two or three big white fish served, and the Cholent was tremendous. Yes my friends, those were the days. And now, because of our sins, we've been exiled from the promised land. At least that's what I used to think. But then I realized that life is what you make of it, and I wouldn't be me if I hadn't left that bastion of good-tasting shtuff. So that's the way the herring crumbles I guess. Oh, herrings don't crumble? How 'bout lutefisk then?


Altie said...

lifes what you make it, so lets make it rock.