Today is Pesach Sheni, which according to Reb Yehuda HaNassi is a separate holiday and according to others is merely a substitution for the first Pesach. Either way, there's two major Farbrenging themes on this day: "Lamah Nigarah", why should we be left out, and "Nita Ken Farfallen", it's never too late. Lamah Nigarah is the cry certain Jews made when they found out that they couldn't bring the Pesach offering due to their impure status. They went to Moshe, and he fixed things up with G-d, and Boom! A new holiday was born. Nita Ken Farfalen is what the Friedriker Rebbe says in today's Hayom Yom.
Our retiring Leader told me that when he was in Yeshiva in LA the Rosh Farbreneged Lamah Nigarah, while I remember him focusing on Nita Ken Farfallen. Why the change? Perhaps it was the generation. Back in the day, and this is before I was born, all you had to do was jump on the bandwagon. The Rebbe was Farbrenging nearly every week, and Lubavitch was supercharged. If someone was left out, all they had to do was complain a bit and someone was there to pick them up and throw them into the thick of things. The Rosh would probably hit me if he knew I was writing about him like he was holy, but he'd also love it. Anyway, what about this generation? We're fallen already. So Pesach Sheni comes around and says, no worries, it's never too late, you can still correct your mistakes. Point is, there's hope, you've just got to grab on. Lamah Nigarah is Issarusa Dl'satah, while Nita Ken Farfallen is Issarusa Dl'eila.
Now you're asking, "TRS, should there not be more genius forthcoming from your brilliant hands? After all, you promised us 'more', where is it?" The answer, my dear feathered friends, is that when I write it's usually with a great burst of creativity. Whenever I'm not able to finish whatever was on my mind, which often happens, I have to postpone posting, and by the time I can start writing again the creative urge has passed, leaving me just an empty shell waiting for new inspiration. So yeah, that's why there isn't any more about Pesach Sheni. Sorry.
Oh fine, one more thing. Bigots of all kinds will not be tolerated on this or any other TRS blog unless they're funny, and make the humor accessible for all mankind, even the slimy creatures who only came out of the primordial ooze within the last fifty years.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Pesach Sheni thoughts
Posted by
Just like a guy
6:44 AM
Labels: Farbrengen
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Nitaken Farfalen= "let us fix the buckwheat?"
The expression is three words, not two: Nita Kein Farfaalen.
To Meno: It took me a while. but i finally got it. lol! nitaken farfalen is so BT
Gezheh=Urine running through the veins
By resorting to ad homein attacks, you are lowering yourself to level of the bigot.
Also, you just ad homeinly attacked lots of holy people, including the Lubavitcher Rebbe himself.
You can't modify your post after it's been commented on. This very confusing to those of us who aren't paying close attention.
There's always innocent casualties when war is declared, but what can you do? As for people worried about the space-time continuum, I wrote that more was coming; it's their fault if confusion ensues.
Causalities? War? Do you know with whom you're starting up? It's not just the modern-day Crown Heights dain-tateh-is-a-putz-zug-li'chaim-du-shtick-drek farmers. You're messing with all the hassids and rebbes of past generations.
That's precisely my point. First you posted that you're gonna post more. Then you post more and delete parts of the original post which caused some of the comments. Thus, the cause (post) effects effects (comments) which eradicate the cause (the modified post). That's like educating a child to go back in time to kill his grandfather, claiming that causality is preserved because the grandfather planned on being killed by his time-traveling progeny.
Gezhe Bigot- If it makes you feel any better, it took me from when you posted your response this morning until now to figure out that Meno was really supposed to be Nemo.
Concerned Citizen- You totally add a new and exciting dimension to the whole causality discussion when you throw time travel into the mix.
But in TRS's defense, changing a blog post after posting is a blogger prerogative. Editing adds clarity ... even if it takes away from my cheap shots.
TRS- Back to the substance of the original post: whence do you know that "Lama Nigarah?" and "Nita Ken Farfalen" are mutually exclusive concepts.
(Forgive my ignorance, its been a while since I sat at a good Pesach Sheni Farbrengen. And, despite making appearances in 770 today, I didn't actually research the Sicha.)
Oh, and TNS-
You keep calling us feathered friends ... I don't have plumage.
And also, why is your leader retiring?
I'll try and respond in order to the previous 4 comments...
1. My point exactly
2. Don't let it worry you
3. Thanks, and as for the substance, well, I was just thinking about Pesach Sheni, and this thought popped into my head, so I figured I'd try it out on you, my unsuspecting feather-less friends. If there's no makor, well, that's just the way it goes.
4.I think I already answered the first issue, and as for the second...(guess what that's supposed to mean). No, really, there are two leaders, the fearless one, and the retiring one. Retiring here does not mean that he's leaving his job, rather that he's shy and afraid to speak his mind in the presence of those who ought to hear it.
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