Sunday, June 14, 2009


Two seminal events happened in the previous 24 hours: Nemo told me that I need to be more controversial, and I started getting emails from Haveil Havalim, which made me realize that next week it's my turn. AWK!!

To celebrate these two occurrences, I think I'll just post something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Sounds good? Well, you already had the new, so here's something old, originally published on October 29, 2007, entitled, "So then":

Education is a terrible thing. Or maybe not. Tonight the Shluchim from YHSTC went to Chabad of S. Louis Park, otherwise known as Rabbi Shagalow, for a Shiur on the Friedriker Rebbe's epistle on true education. What struck me the most was how much I don't enjoy Jewish geography, the game you play to figure out how everyone is related to everyone. But guess what? I'm not actually related to anyone. Well, at least to anyone in Lubavitch. Point is, I stand there on the side, catching onto a stray name that I can at least claim acquaintance with, while everyone else is figuring out how they're fourth cousins with half the universe.
Anyway, we discussed talents that people have. Which got me thinking, what talents do I, your faithful blogger, have? Writing relatively humorous stuff? Check. Eating Sushi? Check. Accomplishing great things? Well, do I? Have I? Will I?

Problem is, I started writing this now, past midnight, because I figured that it would be good to blog while my gristle was still fresh off the grill. But instead it's turned into one of those soul-searching, touchy-feely type blogs, and I for one am not interested in writing that kind of thing. So instead, I'll tell you all that it's not who you know, it's what you know. Right?
Something borrowed? Check out these idiots in Seattle.

And finally, for something in blue, what could be better than this?


Altie said...

very cute.
So you are doing the havel haveilim next week?
What does fish have to do with something borrowed?

Nemo said...

You forgot another monumental event that took place in the past 24 hours when I told you that you were wrong.

bonne said...

It's a borrowed article.

Just like a guy said...

Altie: that's the plan...

Nemo: you tell me that all the time!

Sara: yup.

C said...

I was at the flying fish market. It's pretty cool... but I had this fear that a fish would land on me head. So not cool.

Just like a guy said...

You should have let it happen, and then sued!

e said...

re something old: that's from the era when you were still developing as a blogger, figuring out your style. Those were the days, eh?

Just like a guy said...

Do I have a style now?

But yes, those were the days. So much simpler...

e said...

you had a style then too, but you weren't sure what it was.

Yep, everything was simpler then. I think life only gets more complicated as you get further.

Just like a guy said...

You didn't answer the question.

Until you get to 100 and then your over. And batul. From the world.

e said...

TRS: Yes. You have a style. But that's not much of a compliment. Anyone who writes as much as you has no choice but to develop a style.

Just like a guy said...


C said...

They're too good for that.

And you definitely have a style... long, slightly drawn out, and not necessarily with a conclusion. But always entertaining.

e said...

What's too good for what?

C said...

The guys that throw the fish... too good to drop one.

Just like a guy said...

C: A: thanks!
B: so why are you scared?

le7 said...

You're doing Haveil Havalim when I'm in NY?!

Can I help you?

Just like a guy said...

You are my (future) ezer kenegdo, right? So of course!

Zvi from Stavropol said...

What I do when put in the Jewish geography situation is say,

"No, I'm not related to him, but I am related to Jack Dubrow."

Then, in response to the blank looks, I explain: "He's my grandfather."

Then while they all walk off thinking what a weirdo I am, I get to giggle to myself.

Altie said...

lol zvi i like that. maybe ill try it.

Just like a guy said...

Zvi: if I move to Stavropol on shlichus, what do I get to call myself? Zvi is (obviously) already taken!